21 November 2006

Sidetracked again...

The cardi's sleeves are on hold again...

But I have a good reason. My mom saw me wearing my argyle vest and asked me why I never made her a vest? I've made a couple sweaters (one of which ended up too big and is in the process of being taken apart and re-knit), a scarf, and gave her a pair of handknit socks. However, it turns out vests are the most useful garment for her to wear at work. Being indoors with heat, sweaters can get too warm but a vest is nice for keeping out the occassional chill. So mom's getting a vest.

It's the striped v-neck vest from the Winter 2004/05 issue of Vogue only without the stripes (she wanted something plain). My mom also happened to be between two sizes, so I did a bit of math to make it to her measurements. Pretty easy, though, as this vest does not have any waist shaping or use any remotely complex techniques. I've worked on it for a day and am more than halfway through with the back. Perfect mindless knitting while watching CSI: Miami. =)
