03 February 2007

CNY knitting...

I've postponed Project Spectrum knitting for Chinese New Years knitting. While working on the grey blob that is my current RIP, I remembered that I still have several skeins of red yarn in the stash. It was originally for another project, which I've changed my mind about so it's been sitting in the stash for a while. I decided to use it for a project that I sketched last year but hadn't gotten around to figuring out, yet. It's more or less a wrap cardi--or jacket, rather, with a thick collar. It's hard for me to explain but hopefully it'll become clear in the next week or so.

I started this on January 31 and in three days of knitting have completed the back, the right front, and 2/3 of a sleeve.

I'm going to knit the left front last in case I'm short on yarn. Since this piece will be covered up, it won't matter much of the yarn is in a different dye lot. I'm also planning on making double knit button bands with the inside being a contrasting color (mostly to make it easier on myself).

Red, by the way, is a difficult color to photograph. The best results I had were using the flash in the sunlight and next to a window facing the setting sun with no flash.
