Varying my range of colors...
As I've noted in my mini-bio, I learned to knit at a wee age but only got as far as many un-bound swatches. When I picked up knitting seriously, much of what I knit was in shades of purple. Purple was a natural choice as it is my second favorite color. Black is my favorite but I figured that since I owned so much black, it was time to branch out. This was about when I started adding more color to my wardrobe as well. At some point in this process, I noticed that I was adding mostly purple items and decided to start knitting in other colors. The next was red or colors in the red family. Now it seems I've subconciously noticed that I was adding way too much red to my wardrobe and yarn choices because I just realized that I've been knitting a lot of blue lately.
Broadening my color horizons might take a little longer than I thought.
Broadening my color horizons might take a little longer than I thought.
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